I love the Philadelphia Zoo! -- 2003 edition
Text, images, and source code © Merry L. Morris

This is the fifth edition of "I love the Philadelphia Zoo!" -- the fifth year in a row that I have shared some of the wonderful sights I have seen at the zoo with anyone who visits my websites.

All of the photos you see in this edition were taken in 2003. Most of the animals in the photos are still at the zoo, waiting for you to visit the zoo and see them in person. Sadly, a few are no longer on exhibit for various reasons, but new animals have taken their places.

There is always something new at the zoo. Even the zoo's official website doesn't reflect all the changes and improvements. The only way to know about them is to visit the zoo yourself.

But for now, let's pretend that you are visiting the zoo with me. Click on the links below to see some of the sights I see when I visit the zoo.

Visit the Philadelphia Zoo with me on a spring day.
Visit the Philadelphia Zoo with me on a summer day.
Visit the Philadelphia Zoo with me on an autumn day.
Visit the Philadelphia Zoo with me on a winter day.
To see my favorite inhabitants of the zoo click here!
To see feature stories about individual animals click here.