I love the Philadelphia Zoo! 2008 edition

Text, photos, and source code © Merry L. Morris

(2008 edition)

tigress and cubs
gaboon viper
amur leopard
white rhino
black tree monitors
clouded leopard
Bird Lake
Philadelphia Zoo Scenes - 2007/2008
(Click on the thumbnails to view the enlarged images or the Feature pages)
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To see my YouTube videos click here! new! (August 21, 2008)

To see my favorite of the videos I have recorded so far, click here


The Zooballoon is not the same
(posted January 29, 2008)
(updated August 5, 2008)
New Titimonkeys!
(posted February 12, 2008)

YouTube videos!
King cobra
A King Cobra on the Prowl!
(posted February 13, 2008)
Tigers in the snow!
Big Cats in the Snow!
(posted February 25, 2008)

YouTube videos!
Alligator snapping turtle up close!
An Alligator Snapping Turtle!
(posted March 3, 2008)

YouTube video!

Bye, Puzzles
(posted March 25, 2008)

Is he looking at me?
(posted March 30, 2008)

YouTube videos!
The Zoo opens early on weekends this summer - for members only!
Morning Strolls (members only!)
(posted May 28, 2008)
Petal was always there
Petal was always there
(posted June 9, 2008)
Twigga has joined Puzzles
Twigga has joined Puzzles
(posted June 23, 2008)
Stella and Gus
A New Giraffe!
(posted July 2, 2008)

YouTube videos!
My favorite pocket of nature
Pockets of Nature
(posted July 22, 2008)

YouTube videos!
Lemur Island
Lemur Island and Tamarin Trail
(posted July 25, 2008)

YouTube video (Tamarin Trail!)
YouTube video (Lemur Island!)
(More links below)

The Philadelphia Zoo has changed a lot in the past few years. There is so much there for people of all ages to do (rides, attractions, special events, classes, workshops, overnight events) that it is actually mind-boggling, even for someone whose mind doesn't boggle as easily as mine. (Visit the Zoo's official website to learn more about all that is happening there!)

All those events and attractions are great for some people. But, for me, zoos have always been just about the animals, so I try to avoid all the other distractions as much as possible. And I am very glad that, in addition to all the amusement-park-like attractions, the Philadelphia Zoo has plenty of animals, and the number has started to rise again recently.

The photos shown above in this 2008 edition of my website show some of my current favorite animals at the Zoo. The beautiful tigress with her three cubs, which are growing so fast! The Amur leopard, the cougar, the clouded leopard, the cheetah, the lioness ... can you tell I like cats?

During the spring, summer, and fall, I love to watch the flamingoes when they are conducting a noisy meeting. And Bird Lake looks beautiful from so many viewing areas, especially in the fall and winter.

I also like the reptiles, like the gaboon viper and the black tree monitors. The Philadelphia Zoo has a wonderful collection of reptiles from all over the world. The white rhino in the African Plains area is another one of my favorites. He looks like he wouldn't hurt a fly, and he always poses for me to take photos of him. And, of course, there are the giraffes, the zebras, and the wonderful okapi. He is, I think, the most gentle, peaceful creature currently living in the Zoo.

The Zoo is still constantly changing (mostly for the better, now, I think), so please check this site frequently throughout the year for new pages added to my Features section above.

I hope all who view this website will visit the Philadelphia Zoo to see all my favorite animals, and all the other fascinating creatures there!

To see my YouTube video page click here!

About Dulary (posted August 4, 2007, updated January 29,2009)


Previous editions of this website: 2006 - 2005 - 2004 - 2003

Earliest editions of this website: 1999-2001 - 2002   (Sorry, these are not banner-free webpages)

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